prof. Ing. Petr Kočí, Ph.D.

Fotografie zobrazena se souhlasem vyfotografovaného.


E-mail: Petr.Kocivscht.cz
Department: 409 Department of Chemical Engineering

Building: Budova B
Room: B1-340 
Extension: +420220442027
Note: Access from the main entrance of the building B (Technická 3) to the 3rd floor, then to the right through the department of foreign languages, and at the closest staircase one floor down. Hint: follow signs to the classroom B22. Entrance to the office is through the door ZB1-325b. Alternatively you can use the entrance of "Kloknerův ústav" (Zikova 2), staircase to the 2nd floor and then to the left until the end of the corridor.

Other contacts

Personal web: http://monolith.vscht.cz

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